Inherit style

 From:  Michael Gibson
2581.23 In reply to 2581.21 
Hi Danny - just to give you some more info, the idea is to be able to do stuff like this:

Set active style to "Silver".

Create Text geometry (Draw solid / Text)

Position the text in relation to your existing model, where the existing model has Style = "Black paint".

Do a Boolean to either cut the text or make raised text from your model.

The result will be Text pieces being "Silver", and the parts of your main object that were set to "Black paint" still have "Black paint", even though it is all one solid now.

With some strategic use like that, it should make it easier to have things all set up to render. In your rendering program you just need to adjust the material definitions for "Silver" and "Black paint" (from the simple color that MoI will have set to instead be actual textures and stuff) but you don't need to assign them to objects, they are already all assigned.

If the render visual appearance does not work for the kind of structural arrangement that you want for controlling hiding/showing, then you would probably want to use groups or named objects to supplement the organization rather than only using styles.

- Michael