Inherit style

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2581.19 In reply to 2581.10 
To get back onto the original subject......


> To do it that way would require that if all layers were
> turned off or blanked, except the original, then you
> would see the original, untouched model, even after
> the fillets and booleans were applied. And this I havnt seen. :)

No, the opposite, what you're talking about there is like a feature history tree, where you can turn fillets and holes on and off.

This is how I see it, if you have a solid cube and apply a fillet and a hole, I still consider the cube with fillets and hole as one item so it should be under one style/layer, not to be confused with one entity.

For Michael's example:
>.....if you do a blend between 2 edges,
> should the newly created blend surface
> (which is an independent surface object)
> get the active style applied to it, or if the
> 2 input objects to the blend had the
> same style should it get that one applied to it?

I would expect the blend to be under the active style because it is a single item that I made under that style.
Now if I was to join those 3 surfaces, I am making it one item, so I would expect it to be under the active style, if I separated them, I think they should resort back to the original styles that I modeled them in ( if it's possible, coding wise, with MoI) or they all separate under the active style, which I don't mind either.

Hope this makes sense.
