Release notes on Apr-12-2009 v2 beta

 From:  Michael Gibson
2575.6 In reply to 2575.4 
Hi Niko,

> Is the planar option box for creating curves something
> that will come with the next beta?

No, right now I'm not planning on having an option box in the UI for that - already when you draw in the ortho views (top/front/right), it will behave like that. That's basically the most expected way to draw planar things.

But if you want to draw a curve or polyline in the 3D view with a 2D-view-like planar behavior (where points are forced to be on the same plane through the first point picked), then it is now possible to set up a keyboard shortcut to turn that behavior on or off.

To use it, you set up a keyboard shortcut with this as the command:
script:moi.drawingAids.drawPlanar = !moi.drawingAids.drawPlanar;

- Michael