V2 beta Apr-12-2009 available now

 From:  igor
2570.189 In reply to 2570.188 
Hi Michael,

I see people like us not moving beyond 2003 ))) Me and other users have actually posted about ribbon a lot in other forums but I got a little weary. actually I could direct you to some really interesting stuff where it is accurately proved (and all the points you made earlier on re the ribbon are taken into account) that the ribbon will greatly disrupt user database in some app and speaking frankly if MoI ended up with horisontal office like ribbon i'd never consider to buy it.. but so far your UI is close to perfect! (and not only UI!) and hopefuly will not be altered much in the future, just gaining power internally.. although obj brousing is something which I tend to think could be sorted out further.. Is there any possibility for html based ui to make something similar to Visual Studio sliding in and out panels? (here for styles and objects.. ?)

Another question.. re simplifying use of MoI..
In Sketchup we operate planar faces 80% of the time (due to our specifics) and find ourselves push-pulling 85% of the time.. Is there any possibility in the future to implement Sketchup like Push-pull for nurbs planar surfaces? (honesly i dream about it!!)) it greatly simlifies interaction with objects and especially simple boolean operations. I understand that MoI is all about nurbs and curves, but in real practice we use rectangular shapes a lot and interaction with them (not in SU) is still cumbersome and not as much straightforward as possible.. hopefully
