V2 beta Apr-12-2009 available now

 From:  -ash-
2570.187 In reply to 2570.186 
I am one of that 2% (as you know by my MoI tweaks :-) )

The trouble with Microsoft is they are removing the choice. You could have toolbars or not. Or as I did make one with my most used items. I absolutely hate it when they do that. They makes things too complicated in the first place then kill off the good bits trying to fix it. Ooops there goes the baby with the bath water again. Better get another baby.

The other problem is that a lot of companies then follow the way MS does things thinking it is the 'best' way. I am forced to use Office at work and we are still on 2003. Not looking forward to the time when they give me the new one.

Michael, a big thanks from me for allowing us users to tweak the MoI UI to suit our needs!


(aka HamSoles)