V2 beta Apr-12-2009 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.175 In reply to 2570.174 
Hi Igor - thanks, I'm glad that you are liking MoI!!

> Another point is re SketchUp outliner which has been extremely
> useful and kept very simple - just one list - yet very powerful
> obj management -

Actually, I thought that some of the object management tools in SketchUp were kind of separate things?

For example in SketchUp there is also a "Layers" window that you can pull up which is another list separate from the Outliner window. Do you mean that you never use Layers in SketchUp and only use the Outliner?

At any rate, a set of new object management tools is one of the major new features coming for MoI version 2.0, the first batch of which are included in the most recent v2 beta. Here is a screenshot:

This new browser has a few different sections that allow you to manage objects by making it much easier to process a predefined set of objects all in one click.

There are some different sections that use some different methods of organization but behave similarly.

For example if you want to do something to all curves, that can be handled in the "Types" section - that section allows you to target all objects of a certain type, like all solids, all curves, all edges, etc...

"Objects" allows you to refer to objects that have been assigned a name.

"Styles" allows you to refer to all objects that have been assigned a particular style (kind of like a layer or material assignment).

All sections allow you to do the same kinds of actions, like hide/show/isolate/select/deselect that set of objects with one click.

- Michael