V2 beta Apr-12-2009 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.161 In reply to 2570.160 
Hi Ella - yeah constraints would be great to have, but they are also a lot more involved than just enforcing a couple of things, it requires a pretty sophisticated solving engine that can deal with problems like over-constrained systems.

> especially coupled with API additions aimed at making
> generative shape creation easier.

One of the things that I would like to work on for v3 is a deeper history function, that would chain together a deeper set of actions than the current history function. That would then let you manipulate the original input objects and have your sequence of commands that you used replayed to recalculate the result.

That works to a certain extent right now, for example you can do an extrude and then edit the source curve and the extrusion will update. But it is currently limited, the history chain can get broken easily if there is any command applied which deletes (including delete + replace) an object in it. If I can make history survive through such actions it would be a big step towards that kind of generative design stuff.

- Michael