V2 beta Apr-12-2009 available now

 From:  Tommy (THOMASHELZLE)
2570.154 In reply to 2570.153 
Hi Michael,

I didn't do this testing for a specific one of the two modes, since it should be the same for both IMO. I only used the adjacent mode to see the two designs side by side and to not have such a long screenshot. So yes, collapsing the title is actually only useful for inside mode (or if the panel would vanish and only leave the title when it's collapsed...).

I don't agree with you on the titles being too similar but thats just fine when talking abut design ideas ;-)
"they look too much like they are siblings on some kind of equivalent level" - that is what they are for me - "Scene Browser" just kinda groups them, but each section is independent and does something else. I would have the same feeling if you would group all the current "tools palettes" into one collapsible parent group.

I'm looking forward to what you come up with in the end!

