V2 beta Apr-12-2009 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.12 In reply to 2570.10 
Hi PaQ,

> If I draw a sphere, hide the faces, I can't select the edge
> from this sphere anymore. However if I select the sphere before
> hidding the faces, then I can select/edit the edge as I expected.

Yeah, this is actually kind of an old problem - you should be able to reproduce the same thing in the earlier releases by selecting all faces (select one face then Ctrl+A, this would be on an object made up of more than one face not a single-face object like a sphere) and hiding.

Basically behind the scenes picking currently only relies on targeting faces to make the initial "whole object selection", and edges are only targeted after you have a whole object selection in place.

Of course now it is a whole lot easier to do something like hide all faces with one click, so it will probably be more of an issue now.

I think it should be possible for me to fix it up, but it is a somewhat finicky area to mess with, that's why I've kind of avoided dealing with it up to now.

- Michael