Relative Scaling, Space Navigator, AI Export, and Views

 From:  OSTexo

Just purchased Moi last night and have been tinkering with it today. I have a few questions.

I have a need to scale an entire object while keeping the aspect locked while using a portion of the object as the guide to scale. For example, I have an SMA connector that I need to scale larger a bit but want the entire assembly to scale along with it in size. Is this possible to do in Moi?

Also, does Moi have Space Navigator support?

Finally, I must say the import/export of models is great with Moi. It is well worth the price to me just for that, not to mention its speed and STEP load times, and the ability to quickly separate models to clean up in Moi before export, then the excellent meshing.

I tested the AI export and it is very good, except for the inability to render certain edges the model in 3D view. If this could make it into v.3 it would cut my time down immensely and would make Moi my only 3D package. I know from previous discussion that doing this is not a simple task, and may in fact have limited value to the user community. Right now I import STEP models into Moi, export to SketchUP, clean up the mesh, use Layout to create the line drawings in isometric view (can Moi export isometric AI?) and then export EPS to Corel where I then spend time joining line segments, converting to curves and simplifying the points. At that point it is published to PDF.

Ideally I would like to import STEP to Moi, do cleanup in Moi, export AI from Moi, and since the AI export from Moi exports curves instead of thousands of line segments that need to be joined, converted to a curve and simplified in Corel my time to complete the task is decreased by at least 50%.

Don't get me wrong, I can live with the benefits of Moi as it stands, it is worth every penny of $295 for my need, the rest is just icing on the cake. Thanks.