Icons ?

 From:  Michael Gibson
2557.3 In reply to 2557.1 
Hi yannada - those particular icons are different from the other ones.

Those ones I licensed from an icon pack and part of the license required me to build them in as resources to the program code, rather than distributing them as individual images.

To change those icons you will also need to edit the UI files to make the buttons use a regular image rather than a resource based one.

For example if you open up \ui\CommandBar.htm, you will find that the File button is defined like this:

<moi:CommandMenuButton style="icon:res://FILEICON;" menu="FileMenu.htm"><moi:Text textid="File"></moi:CommandMenuButton>

Note the part that says: style="icon:res://FILEICON;"

That is making that button's icon come from the resources section of the DLL rather than from an regular image file.

If you edit that to say style="icon:icons/IconFileName.png;" , then that will cause that button's image to come from a file named "IconFileName.png" from inside the \icons sub-folder.

So if you want to change those icons you will need to edit the icon: property inside the style decoration for those buttons inside of CommandBar.htm, CommandBarRight.htm and SidePane.htm .

- Michael