sliders for input numerical values

 From:  Michael Gibson
2553.16 In reply to 2553.15 
Hi Will, I wish it was actually as easy as you make it sound to do alterations like this! :)

But that kind of a system with different possible grids for every viewport is not necessarily easy to integrate with MoI's current system which has some pieces of the UI that are built on the current idea that there is one global grid size.

Changes need to be reconciled with the existing UI, like what should the Options / Grid / Grid size control say when you have this situation that you want where there would be 4 different grids on the screen at the same time?

What kind of UI is necessary to control the new system, do you need to specify what kind of increments are possible?

Does there need to be a control to switch between this system and MoI's current system?

Does LightWave actually have a way to manually set the grid to a specific value at all? If so, what happens if you set the grid size to something that happens to be dense in the current zoom level, does it immediately shift it away from the specific value that you entered?

> and that was when I noticed how MoI's grid becomes unusable
> when you zoom in or out

Actually when you zoom out and the grid gets dense that does not mean it is totally unusable, it is still doing that job of serving as a visual scale reference which is one of the other things that it can be used for aside from snapping.

At any rate, I would like to do this at some point of time in the future but it is not just a matter of writing a couple of lines of code and it's done, there are quite a few things to consider about how it would integrate, I already mention several issues above those are just the ones right off the top, it takes time and careful consideration to change things like this, and it doesn't help that the end result would cause problems and not really be good to have turned on by default.

- Michael