Hi Micha, that "automatic pan" type mechanism only kicks in if you move your mouse near the edge of a viewport - specifically if you are within 45 pixels of the edge.
If you don't want for it to happen, just stay away from 45 pixels of the edge and it will behave like Rhino.
Generally the Rhino method where there is no acceleration is just not as good because if you can only pan as fast as you can move the mouse, it often times leads to a kind of "scrubbing" action where you have to repeatedly pick up the mouse and put it down again because you run out of room on the mouse pad. MoI's method gives a way to pick up speed and avoid that kind of awkward scrubbing motion. It's more ergonomic if you don't have to furiously move the mouse around to travel somewhere.
Also the old Rhino way where the mouse pointer wraps around when you leave the viewport boundary is not compatible with pen tablets. In general it is a part of MoI's UI philosophy to not programmatically place the mouse cursor in any location, it is just easier for the user if they are in control of placing the mouse cursor and that the software does not try to do it to "help".
So there are some pretty big benefits to MoI's system - it is actually specifically designed to solve problems in my older Pan design that Rhino uses. Going back to the old system would be sort of a downgrade instead of an upgrade.
- Michael