
 From:  Michael Gibson
25.2 In reply to 25.1 
Hi Hyltom, thanks for the feedback!

> to change these radius even after validation (like an history).

It looks like I will have some history features for the next beta (maybe by this Friday or maybe on Monday). So for instance you will be able to create a revolved surface and then when you change the curve that was revolved the surface will update.

> One thing that border me a little, is the black line around the object that i find too
> thick. Would be great to have an option to change it.

I do plan on having this eventually, but it will probably be a while before it is available. What resolution is your screen at? (like 1024x768, 1280x1024, etc..)

> And please try to add some specific function that will make it different than what we can find in rhino.

Is there anything in particular that you're thinking about? There are already a lot of differences from Rhino in just the overall UI, just simple things like drawing a line or square is different. Do you mean more like having totally different tools rather than similar constructions like extrude, revolve, etc... ?

- Michael