? Paste to Working Plane Option

 From:  Dan (LICHENROCK)
Is it possible to include the option to paste to the working plane? Normally the copy and paste options in MoI preserve the orientation of copied objects relative to the world plane. This is great and just as it should be. However, there are situations when I create a 2d object as a profile for a sweep or loft operation and would like to copy and paste that profile at several points along a curve in 3d space, oriented at each point in such a way that the plane on which the 2d profile object lies is perpendicular to the tangent of the curve at that particular point. I have been using the CPlane option to manually rotate each profile. It is great that the “pick CPlane origin” will by default orient the CPlane at each point along a 3d curve such that the Z axis is tangent to the curve at that point. After setting the CPlane the Top view shows the XY plane as the working plane, looking right down the Z axis at the origin. The 3d curve intersects the XY plane at the origin. I would like to be able to paste a 2d profile curve onto this XY plane. It is difficult and confusing to me to figure out each time how to rotate the profile shape in order to “flatten it out” onto the XY plane. Perhaps a Ctrl + click or an Alt + click or a checkbox when using the copy tool in the Transform Pallet. That way the location of the cursor in whatever particular view Top, Front, Right, 3d would indicate the working plane. Before you tell me to just sweep one profile along the curve to achieve the same thing, my purpose is to use the Scale, Rotate and Show pts tools in order to tweak the profiles before using the Sweep or Loft tools. Thanks.