Scene browser progress

 From:  Michael Gibson
2470.77 In reply to 2470.76 
Hi Michel,

> Do you see it as a triple state button ?

Not in the sense of a triple toggle cycling by left-clicking - left clicking would always be for hide/show.

So whether you see an eye or a lock, if you left-click on it, it would blank out and be hidden.

If it was blank, then doing a left-click will show it and make an eye or a lock appear.

Then as far as setting the lock/unlock state, I was thinking of putting that on a button in a pop-out menu. But there could also be a key combo that would do it as well, like Ctrl+click like you mention.

I was also thinking that right-click on a lock could be unlock rather than doing the group visibility thing, but maybe that is not so good.

But the general idea is to enable having a lock state but without it adding such a high impact to the UI as a whole additional column would bring. Locking is not switched around as frequently so it would be good to have it but in some kind of subordinate way.

- Michael