Scene browser progress

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2470.69 In reply to 2470.67 
Hi Michael,

> The inline mode actually does have a kind of tab
> that easily collapses or expands it to keep it from
> interfering with the workspace, I'll show that again
> here (this is a repeat from the initial post of this thread):

Yeah, that's all fine now and for a large displays but as this grows it will start to collapse the other tools and the ping-pong effect will still be inevitable, unless I'm missing something, also as MoI grows and the real estate shrinks, what's going to happen when the communication tools come to MoI and all the other future tools for V3,4 & 5, where are you going to stick them ?

> You can't get any more mainstream than AutoCAD,
> and it cannot do what I described unless it has
> changed hugely over the last couple of years.

I did say '3d', plus AutoCRAP was good marketing not good software :)

Anyhow, I'm sure what ever you come up with will work and we will wait in anticipation for the next beta :)
