Scene browser progress

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2470.6 In reply to 2470.1 
Just what we've been waiting for Michael :) I was just thinking about should I start a discussion to ask you to give us some snippets on what you have been working on, to get the salivary glands started again, they were getting a bit dry there ;)

So far you've woken me up from this otherwise boring night I was having, just enough adrenalin has kicked in to cause some excitement to get my head around the proposals that you have presented here before us :)

OK! please treat this as a brainstorming session where anything goes even if it sounds stupid, ridiculous or unachievable, I'm just going to throw it out there.


> Groups will let you define a container that can hold
> other objects or sub-groups that you assign to it, to
> manipulate them as a set. I'm not ready with this part
> quite yet, I'm working on the styles part first.

I like the logic so far, styles and groups. I know you don't like the word 'Layers' but does 'Styles' equate to layers in the simplest form ?
With groups, have you thought how you are going to define them, titles,numbers......?


> There is also a second optional mode for how
> the browser is positioned, this will be a new
> setting under Options / General / Scene browser position:
> The options are "Adjacent" or "Inside". If you
> choose "Inside", then the browser will appear as an
> additional palette inside of the side pane, like so:

Maybe a third option "Side" which would throw it to the opposite side of the the screen to the command palettes, I feel organisational work flow should be separate from the modelling work flow, my feeling anyway.

> I've tried to think if it is possible to move the style
> display of the current selection to be somehow embedded
> within the styles section of the scene browser itself so
> that things related to styles could be more concentrated
> all in just that one area, but I have not been able
> to figure out a good way to do that.

I know you're always trying to keep the UI clean and simple but sometime you can only do so much and eventually sacrifices have to be made, I don't think anyone will complain :)
Here's one idea, maybe start using the second click option to open another palette, same action as you have for the Viewport configuration tabs.

That's all I have for now, Oh! and what okapi asked as well.
