Scene browser progress

 From:  olio
2470.52 In reply to 2470.51 
Hi guys,

I think this is my first post here, I have been a long time lurker and a daily follower of the forum.

I think Michael you have to be careful of not trying to hard to be different just for the sake of being different. for an example the layer system, you always talk about the layer system in other system that objects can't be in different layers at the same time, why is that a bad thing? I know its not as flexible, but its a system that people know from Illustrator, Photoshop, Autocad and yes Rhino (which sometimes I feel you try too hard to be a little different).

My vote also goes with Danny, I think his idea is the best implementation of the ones I have seen in this thread.

And for the eye icon, from a designers perspective it bothers me a lot, I like the light bulb that you see in rhino and autocad, maybe the eye needs some fine tuning, its a bit too harsh on the eyes.)