Hi Eric, thanks very much for the feedback!
> As a long time user of Adobe Illustrator I`ve taken some
> features from there.
> It has a lot of good organize functions that could be
> implemented in Moi although it is a 2D program.
Yeah I'm not at all against having 2D type functions incorporated into MoI!
One of the biggest constraints that I have though is to try and pack the UI into the narrow confines of the side pane.
That makes it really hard to have something like a 3 column table like you're showing there, I just don't think it would fit where I would want it to fit...
One function that I'm not quite sure about in the UI that you show there is how to hide/show objects? Would that be another image like an eye next to the select button?
What you show there definitely looks powerful but it is getting quite complex as well. I kind of want to go more in a direction of really focusing on only a couple of the highest priority actions (like hide/show and maybe selection) in the top-level UI and then put additional functions in a flyout menu so that they don't add so much complexity all right at once.
- Michael