Scene browser progress

 From:  Michael Gibson
2470.22 In reply to 2470.19 
Hi Yannada, looks interesting!

A couple of issues - on a lower res screen the bottom toolbar is nearly full so there are situations where there is not enough room to put the "Browser" on the bottom command bar rather than at the bottom of the side pane, that's the main reason why I have located it to the right of the help button at the bottom of the side pane instead.

Also that is an interesting idea to have a small menu to switch between Adjacent and Inside modes, but do you really expect to be moving back and forth between these different modes often? Right now I am expecting for that to be something that is set once to set up your overall UI configuration and then will not need to be adjusted after that. Settings like this which are only set once I prefer to put inside of the Options dialog and keep them a bit more out of the way.

RE: Objects and styles in one panel - it looks like your version there though would be missing the function of doing a "Hide all red objects" for example.

I want to be able to have the function available for hiding/showing/selecting/etc... all objects of a certain style as well as different groups.

This is the reason why I want to have different sections in the browser for "Groups" and "Styles".

If you don't want to work by selecting styles, it won't really be a problem, just hit the - sign on the Styles part of the browser and it collapses to a single line to stay out of your way.

- Michael