Hi Grendel,
> Looking good so far Michael, when you say "selecting the
> whole group somewhere on that line" could that not be
> when you select the group header and it is collapsed
> or expanded?
You mean like clicking on the text of the name rather than on the +/- button?
Yes - I definitely want to assign something to that action but I also have another big thing that I already need to assign to an action which is to pop out a menu with more stuff on it.
I'm thinking of putting a "Select objects" button on that pop-out menu instead.
That would make for just a few actions directly on the "top level" UI of an item - clicking on the eye would handle hiding/showing it, clicking on a +/- of a parent group would open up its child items, and otherwise clicking on anywhere else on it (like on the text of its name or its swatch) would open up the menu with a bunch more actions on that menu.
I would like to have a select function on the "top level" item as well, but I have not yet figured out a good way to make the pop-out menu work easily at the same time as a select function.
Maybe I could make it so that if you go to the far right side of the item's line you could click in a zone there to select its objects rather than open up the popup menu.
- Michael