
 From:  -ash-
2463.44 In reply to 2463.43 
>> That part probably will not be ready by this very next beta but probably the one after,
>> for this next beta I'm focused on just setting up the UI within MoI.

No problem. One step at a time ;-)

>> The only SDK that they have seems to be a plugin system for writing File I/O plugins for Modo,
>> and not a file format specification for how to read or write that format from a different application.

Ah ha, this explains some of the complaints over at the Luxology forum about a lack of SDK for modo.

>> Do you know of what differences there are between .lxo and .lwo? It seems that Modo
>> is structured very similar to the .lwo format already, so I'm not quite sure what the differences are

No sorry, never had Lightwave so don't know how this works.


(aka HamSoles)