
 From:  Michael Gibson
2463.37 In reply to 2463.34 
Hi Yannada, well adding a new format will involve more work, not less.

In general .obj seems to be the most widely supported format out there, so it is not practical to remove support for that.

For example if I removed both .obj and .3ds format, then I think export to ZBrush would not be possible, since it supports .obj and .3ds but not .fbx or .dae if I remember right.

Even with the new Lightwave having .dae as its default, it would be good to know if there was actually some advantage to using it instead of .lwo - like is their .lwo support buggy? (hard to imagine since they need to support a ton of old .lwo files) Or is there some kind of special function that is only available in .dae and not in .lwo ? (Something that applies to MoI I mean, for example animation type data doesn't really apply to MoI's exports since MoI is focused only on modeling and not on animation tools).

It is hard to make it a priority unless there is an actual practical advantage to be had for it.

- Michael