Fillet direction

 From:  Michael Gibson
2457.35 In reply to 2457.31 
Hi Dymaxion,

> Chiming in kind of late, would it be better to have a set
> of radio buttons under circular (and probably the G1, G2,
> etc.) modes? Given that this is a modification of a circular
> fillet, it seems more like a separate thing, like the profile
> variations on sweep

Yeah, it is actually a kind of modification of circular.

But I'm not too thrilled with expanding the UI with a whole lot of additional buttons, all to control something which may never even be needed (Constant distance with blend shape).

Let me know later on if you run into a situation where you are wishing you had that combination.

By using the method I showed above, it lets me add in this option but with a very minimal impact to the existing UI, which is always something that I am looking out for.

Also it does alter the overall shape of the fillet as well (see in previous screencap) so it does not seem totally out of place under that Shape: option.

Basically if there is a way to add something with only a minimal (or ideally no) increase in complexity to the current UI, that is the kind of thing that I will bump up to a high priority and do some work much more quickly to add that.

- Michael