Meshing ... tests and wishes

 From:  Michael Gibson
2451.7 In reply to 2451.1 
Hi Micha,

> (3) rounded cube
> I'm not sure it's possible, but it could be nice, if all rounded
> edges of this cube would show the clean quad polygons.

Usually rounded cubes like that should be getting nice aligned quads like you want.

Was that a rounded cube that you created in MoI, or was it an imported one?

It looks like this rounded cube model was not included in your attachments, could you please post it so I can test with it over here? Also do you see this happen at any kind of meshing parameters or is it only at a specific setting?

Here is a quick example of this kind of rounded box created in MoI and then exported using Quads & Triangles, I think it has the kind of structure you are asking for?

- Michael