Meshing ... tests and wishes

 From:  Michael Gibson
2451.48 In reply to 2451.45 
Hi Danny,

> Sorry guys, I just have one more question Michael, I don't
> understand why a flat planar surface should be meshed
> since it's dead flat.

Sometimes people are interested in getting regularly shaped polygons for specialized purposes. Like for example if you plan to deform the mesh by doing displacement painting on it in zbrush, it is good for the polygons to be diced down to be of a more uniform small size even in areas that are planar (if you are going to do displacements on that planar area).

For other purposes like doing further polygon editing of the mesh, people are interested in getting more regularly shaped polygons with a more aligned topology between all the pieces. Sub-d modeling tends to work best with quad polygons also, so that's why that can come up.

For the most common use of just rendering the mesh, then yeah you don't need planar surfaces to get more polygons than necessary for that.

It all depends on what you are going to be doing with the output data - there are just a lot of varied things that the data is used for, there can be different kinds of meshing needed for these different purposes...

- Michael