Meshing ... tests and wishes

 From:  Michael Gibson
2451.44 In reply to 2451.39 
Hi Micha,

> Straight upward means something like this ...

I see - of course that would mean making more vertices and more polygons as well instead of keeping the polygon count as low as possible.

It's unfortunately difficult to do this kind of a thing and still keep things all connected overall.

For example making those Straight upwards lines that you show there would mean inserting new vertices on the bottom edge, which means the face flat on the bottom would also need to be altered by that as well.

In the future I do want to work on some more ways to divide a big n-gon up into triangles, but it is pretty hard to do it by inserting more points along the outer boundary since it has this ripple effect of modifying other faces. When you get many faces trying to modify each other at the same time it becomes a big problem. I can more easily add points to the interior of an n-gon which is what happens with centroid triangulation.

- Michael