Meshing ... tests and wishes

 From:  Micha
2451.2 In reply to 2451.1 
(6) mesh #4
The Rhino mesher create big kinks at this cylindrical surfaces. It is an old test object, but if I remember me right, it was from a project STEP file.

(7) mesh #5
Artefacts - that's new. ;) (angle 55)

But also the most cylindrical surfaces dosn't show a regular mesh of quads (finer mesh without artefact).

(8) mesh #6
At Rhino the opening in the middle is complete closed by a big artefact, at MOI3D the general shape looks a little bit strange at the sides (screenshot).

That's all that I found for testing at my hard disk today.

EDITED: 28 Feb 2009 by MICHA