system decimal display

 From:  Michael Gibson
2445.20 In reply to 2445.19 
> if I create somthing that is .54 then the display only shows
> the 2 decimals. no real need for any others

Is this the underlying problem - that you're not sure when you see 0.54 somewhere whether it is 0.54 exactly, or if it has been rounded for display?

Would you like to have an option to have the trailing zeros displayed, so that this would display as 0.5400 instead of just 0.54 in that case?

That may help to clarify the number of decimal points used for a display at any particular time since you would see the same number of digits to the right of the decimal in all cases.

That could possibly eliminate any need for special colors or symbols because you would know how many decimals are being rounded to at any time just by seeing the number.

- Michael