Problem with AI import

 From:  Michael Gibson
2443.9 In reply to 2443.8 
Hi Michel, those bad points are pretty hard to see unless you zoom in quite a bit, they are only 0.0002 units apart from one another.

> In another test, I exported to dxf, imported in CorelDraw and
> saved as Illustrator 7 then imported into MoI and it worked.
> But that's a looong way.

My guess would be that this method working was more of an accidental side effect rather than something to really rely on.

Probably at some point during that process one piece only emitted points to a precision of 3 decimal points or something, which probably caused those close together points to be moved into the same location exactly on top of one another. MoI's AI importer looks for points that are stacked up like this and can clean those up if they are stacked right on top of each other.

But that just happened to work since these points were close together, it is easy to have self-intersection loops in other situations where the points are not quite so close together as this. Unfortunately in those cases I doubt that this import sequence you used would help any.

> Could it be caused by the fact that Illustrator keeps information
> on line width as a "double path"?

My guess is that it was just caused by an accidental extra click of the mouse or something to actually place the points like that... Schbeurd would have to say for sure how that particular path was created.

2D illustration programs are not generally as sensitive to self intersection problems as MoI or other 3D programs can be, so it can be easy to just not notice that a drawn outline may have these problems in it until later.

- Michael