Hi Michel,
> - Invisible paths
> I tried to import an invisible path (path without contour) into
> MoI 1 but never was able to see any.
Did you try the .ai file that was attached to the start of this thread?
That one should work in v1.
If you have some other file that does not work in v1, can you please post it, maybe you are running into some other issue or bug with your new file.
> Is it because I have the beta version installed at the same time as v.1 ?
No, they are totally independent, the only way they can really get crossed is if you have set one of them as the program to handle a particular kind of file extension and then you try to open that file by something like a double-click in Windows Explorer.
> - Importing plain rectangles
> Everything would import into MoI except the plain, unmodified rectangles.
> Can somebody else reproduce this problem ?
Can you please attach the .ai file with the plain rectangle in it here?
Those other things were probably generic bezier paths, but there is a special "re" operator that can be used for simple rectangles, maybe MoI has a bug in processing this particular operator.
- Michael