multiple sweep?

 From:  rhodesy
Yes thanks. Yes for me moi will only ever be used for modelling (possibly if there is an option of NPR rendering for quick stuff that would be useful) I would hate to see you get bogged down in too much rendering stuff. However if it is possible to have any small tools to help out with the UV mapping that would really be appreciated but i understand not as high as modelling tools in the priority list. One thing I would love is the ability to draw a spline that told moi the direction of the map - my current project has a gluelam frame (rough outline below) it would be fantastic if it was possible to just draw a spline (red line) that would create the appropriate uvs for stretching and distorting a map along that spline. That would be my only real request with regards mapping as the rest you can usually do with standard mapping projections.

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