WOW - the beta mesher is great

 From:  Michael Gibson
2440.14 In reply to 2440.13 
Hi Micha, probably not for v2.0 and currently I don't plan on having a v2.1 .

Once v2.0 is wrapped up, I'll be moving on to v3 and there will then be betas for that version available.

There will not likely be a v2.1 unless there are some major bugs found in v2.0 that need to be corrected.

Please keep in mind that I am only a single person working on MoI, which means that I have to try and be efficient at how I spend my time.

It takes additional effort to do things like attempt to work on a version 2.1 and a version 3.0 at the same time. That's why when 2.0 is wrapped up the general plan is that I'm on to version 3 work at that point.

But don't worry though - MoI v2 is not the end of the line, I want to add a lot of new stuff in for v3! :)

- Michael