MOI3D mesher plugin for Rhino? Closed

 From:  okapi
2398.68 In reply to 2398.64 
I am really confused by the last comment from Manz....
Michael's attitude is actually one of the best things about MOI, I have not seen many developers that are as responsive to user comments, about fixing bugs, adding features etc...
In my opinion, Michael is top notch for this.

As for the rest of the thread, here is my 2 cents:

The price of moi is incredibly low. As others have already mentioned, even plugins for certain apps, such as ext render engines, can cost up to 1000$ easily.
I have bought several apps for much more, and that have delivered a lot less....
As moi grows, I would also be willing to pay for upgrades, and I find Michael's suggestions of charging only the difference to the new price, as an upgrade price, very fair.

- MOI produces the best ngon meshes I have seen so far, and it play very well with RHINO (except for a lack of polygon mesh import). Even if you only need a mesher for 3dm or IGES, the price is a steal, really. I get a lot of 3dm models from clients (I deal with visuals for complex architectural projects). Moi has been a huge boost to get clean meshes out to our render apps.

-Beyond that, moi has by far the best workflow of any linear app out there in my opinion, for hard edge modeling.
Because I deal with visuals for Competitions / project at the conceptual stage, it normally does not make sense to invest too much time setting up a model with a deep construction history. It works much better to have a linear modeling approach in most cases (especially since we only model the smaller projects in-house; for more complex projects, we normally receive 3d models from our clients.)
Moi is incredibly fluid to work with.
And the tools just make sense.

All I need now are layers (...edited....), and I would be switching almost completely to moi for modeling!

Keep up the good work Michael.

EDITED: 16 Feb 2009 by OKAPI