MOI3D mesher plugin for Rhino? Closed

 From:  Michael Gibson
2398.59 In reply to 2398.56 
> Conclusion: As Jonas said at $500 mark MoI becomes a "main" package,

I'm not so sure about this conclusion.

Like Jonas mentioned, frequently a utility plug-in that you might purchase to extend another program (like a Render engine for Rhino, a CAM plugin for something else, etc..) easily run $500 or more. A plugin is certainly not a "main" package, and if you view MoI in this light it makes it pretty easy to consider it in the same category, if it does useful things to you and particularly if it has functions that you can't get anywhere else!

> Now let focus on the lowest price: Shark LT $475

Let us instead focus on this: Shark FX MSRP: $1795.00

I certainly agree that at that actually full version price nearing $2000, that makes it a "main" package. Although actually, does that version even do CAM built in?

Anyway it is sort of the essence of MoI to focus on creating geometry very quickly and fluidly. This is going to remain a primary goal for MoI throughout its life, and I will have a tendency to shy away from just adding in tons of things that actually ruin this essential function by increasing the complexity by too much.

So I do not really expect for MoI to become a full replacement for a parametric solid modeling program, really ever. Those programs have different goals that do not totally align with MoI's goals.

Of course I will be adding things in to MoI over time as well, and as this continues it will become a more complete program for various tasks, certainly.

- Michael