MOI3D mesher plugin for Rhino? Closed

 From:  manz
2398.52 In reply to 2398.22 
Hi Michael,

I meant to comment on this:-

>>One idea that I have had is that in the future I could still offer version 1.0 at its same current price as a kind of "lite" version for someone who was looking for just an essential modeling tool that is easy for them to use. I'm not completely sure about that yet, but that is one idea.<<

In its current state?

I ask because there have been many reports concerning what are seen as bugs in V1, which are fixed or being fixed in V2 and for a new user who may purchase V1 (after V2 is released) to make a bug report, to then be told it is fixed in V2 and a need to upgrade to get a fix could not be taken well.

- Steve