MOI3D mesher plugin for Rhino? Closed

 From:  -ash-
2398.48 In reply to 2398.47 
Well this is a can of worms ;-)

>>Currently my plan is to increase the price of v2 by US $100 to a total of $295 for a full license, or $100 for a v1 to v2 upgrade license.

So the intended upgrade price is always going to be the difference between the versions?
This works for me today as I had budgeted $100 for upgrading - though in real terms this has now increased due to the financial mess :-(

>>Basically I did end up pricing version 1.0 too low. I mean there were some reasons I did this, I wanted to make it easy for people to get MoI
>> and also having a low price tends to make it easier to justify missing functions.

This worked in my case - I had looked at Rhino and it was way out of my (non-professional) price range. Plus they charged more just because I wasn't in the States. ($1.00 does not equal 1 euro). Then I heard about MoI. At $500.00 I probably would not have bought though. After playing with the demo and at $195.00, no problem. Turned out rather well so far :-)

>>'s not really something I enjoy doing a whole bunch, so that basically leads me more towards
>>focusing on more professional level users who can more easily afford anything in the $500 range if it helps them get their work done.

This might be a problem for me (non-pro) in the future if the upgrade price goes too high.

It seems to me that your initial pricing has given you three customer groups - pro, semi pro/small business and non pro. The question is, if you completely focus on pro will it hurt your future business? Only you can decide, but I think it might. My main problem with all software is what happens if I change OS or hardware and the version I'm using doesn't work. What then? Understandably old versions are not usually supported with updates, it would become a nightmare for any business.

So I was wondering, can you change the lite version every so often to be 2 or 3 versions back rather than just remain at version 1? That way the non/semi-pro can eventually upgrade to a version that is compatible with later OS or hardware but still with a reduced tool set compared to the current version. Though if they want the latest tool set, then will have to pay the upgrade price to get to the latest version.

Having said all that - $500.00 is still half that of Rhino and I will be upgrading to V2.0 and, as long as I can afford it, V3 and beyond :-)


(aka HamSoles)