"Better to just buy MOI as is, and use only what you need!
(The GUI will probably have you avoiding the use Rhino more and more anyway LOL!) -Will"
But as Micha said, he's using Rhino as his rendering platform. Not really modeling in it. So MoI would not be much help to him for that purpose... For someone like me, I can understand his perspective. I use Rhino for nearly everything I do. I can imagine the advantage (especially for the real-time display mesh) of having a MoI plugin to Rhino. Having a multi-threaded, clean mesher directly in Rhino would be something I would pay for. And I think working together with McNeel (they offer assistance to all plugin developers) it should not be that difficult to implement. For example, Tsplines 2.0 WIP now disengages Rhino's mesher and uses their own mesher for all TSplines objects. Also TSplines mesh can support n-gons. So all this can be possible for a MoI plugin as well... But I won't argue Michael's point that he doesn't have time to handle the support for it.