Hi Burr,
> I was wondering if "where the viewport is zoomed
> and located" is captureable/definable data for a script?
It wasn't available in v1, but in the last v2 beta the camera and target points are now available to scripts.
For example here is a script that will copy the camera and target locations to the clipboard as a text string:
script:var v = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D'); moi.copyTextToClipboard( 'Camera=' + v.cameraPt.toString() + '\r\nTarget=' + v.targetPt.toString() );
Similarly you can set the .cameraPt value to something to place the camera at a certain x,y,z location.
But normally these kinds of things are kind of "per file" settings rather than a global fixed location.
- Michael