> are you asking for what is sometimes called a "clipping plane" where it basically temporarily hides a chunk of your model from view rather than generating curve or surface data?
Yes that's it, a clipping plane with edges that can be snapped to if needed. like having the function of the c-plane tool for working which works well on the outside of a building model but with a way of camera clipping away the external walls etc when it's needed inside. This would be useful in all views (otho and perspective).
Im thinking this through as i go along and the more i think the more useful i think it would be - (for me anyway!)....Ive done a simple scene where i have a solid envolpe to the building and now i want to work inside the building where the block is. I understand this can be achieved with hiding stuff but in an ideal world it would be nice to set a cutting plane that can slice the building (or selection or layer) at a set height or angle so I can then continue to work in the top or front views for example with ease and use the c-plane on objects inside the building if needed.
Actually I think im asking for two things here:
1: a global clipping plane(s) that allows the user to specify a cutting height using a line(s) drawn in the model which activates a visual but not literal boolean subtraction of either the whole model or specified objects or layers (say roof and external walls layers). As i mentioned it would be a visual boolean only so if I say wanted to punch a door in the external wall with a real boolean subtraction it would effect the hidden part as well as the visual one when the clipping plane is removed.
2: this could replace point 1 with extended functionality. currently if I wanted to opperate on the internal blocks surface in an otho view I would need to hide interferreing objects and then use the c-plane. if select the surface i want to work on moi could then cut the model visually along that plane so the otho cameras would be flat on it with no interference from objects between the surface and the camera. Does this make sense?
Just my thoughts anyway - and probably not xplained them terribly well but hopefully you get the idea,