Saving + placing camera views?

 From:  rhodesy
Thanks again, yes I had considered the boolean slice using a line however this actually splits the model in two and to view your section you would need to delete half of your model element by element (or possibly hide it). Yeah spline projection would work better to obtain a line drawing of your section but again each element will be cut and need to be selected and moved to the side to view it. Also this method dosent let you move or work on the actual objects of a scene - it is really just to make working on larger models - say buildings with interiors easier, but i guess moi wasn't specifically designed for that - just a suggestion, and I know you must be busy with other stuff higher up the list!

With the camera movement options - your right the area zoom does work well, however another wish would be a way to simply control the rotation of the camera, currently i might end up looking at an object on its side and need to rotate the camera 90degrees or so, so i do lots of little circles with the camera rotate gizmo and eventually i'll come round. It would be nice to have a way to twist or re-orientate the camera whilst looking at the same point if you see what i mean?

Anyway thanks again and sorry for the pestering!