new to moi3d

 From:  Michael Gibson
2393.4 In reply to 2393.3 
Hi moier,

> Would you know if anyone in Vancouver is offering
> training for your "MoI 3D" software?

Not that I know of...

Have you gone over the tutorial videos? They are available here:

Also various links to some other tutorials here:

And of course this forum! If you have a question on something in particular, this is a good place for it.

> Also, I'm with the Vancouver Graphics & Animation Studio
> and maybe there's a way to incorporate MoI in the work flow?

Yeah, quite possibly - if you have any kind of mechanical or man-made type objects in a scene those are the kinds of things that can come together really quickly with MoI. Stuff like props that characters may be holding, machines, etc...

It can be useful as a "hard surface" modeling companion to an animation program like Maya, Softimage, Max, etc...

- Michael