Bonzai 3D beata released

 From:  Michael Gibson
2377.20 In reply to 2377.19 
Hi Pilou,

> When you have a multiple boolean with complex volumes
> that can't be "real time" ;)

No - not for the fully general purpose booleans, particularly when things get complex it involves a large number of calculations. A large number of calculations does not usually combine very well with "real time".

But like I was mentioning for this new possibility of doing an extrude with boolean combined, it may be possible for me to do a specialized boolean that may work faster than the regular general purpose booleans. It is probably worth a try anyway when I get a chance to work on it.

> Move all cylinders with the boolean function over the
> sphere seems problematic :)

This new function that I am talking about would not do that job - it would be for extruding a set of curves from a plane on an object, something like this:

However, the primary purpose of this is not to do a real-time boolean, it is to avoid the need to do the boolean as an additional operation to make for fewer steps in the workflow...

- Michael