MoI Shortcuts Closed

 From:  Michael Gibson
2364.9 In reply to 2364.7 
Hi Brian, I guess the point is that I have dedicated more energy towards making the modeling tools in MoI work more smoothly.

I guess that is probably why you like to use MoI for modeling instead of those other programs that you have mentioned, is that correct?

Stuff like the shortcut key editor is just not as important for the modeling process, it tends to be something that someone goes in and sets up once and then they don't really go back there very frequently after that to the editor/setup mechanism specifically.

Since I only have limited time available to me and I do not have magical powers to do superhuman amounts of work, I have to pick the areas that I put time into pretty carefully.

That means that some of the less frequently used areas that do not directly impact modeling are just not as refined currently.

That's normal, and that's actually a great feature of MoI, since the payoff is that you do instead get really great modeling tools. I mean that is the reason why you use MoI, right?

If I were to have instead focused initially on refining these less frequently used areas like you are talking about here, that would mean that I would have had to divert time away from more frequently used modeling tools, and the result would have been a better shortcut editor, but less functions and ease of use in modeling. That is not a good trade-off for MoI - instead the focus for MoI is in the modeling functions.

If you care more about these other things than modeling functions, then MoI is probably just not the right tool for you - it is not focused on the areas that are important to you in particular.

This focus for MoI is an intentional and strategic thing which has brought very significant benefits, it is not likely to be changing anytime soon, no matter how many times you repeat the same requests over and over again. I do expect for these areas to eventually get more refined but it will take a fair amount of time before that will happen.

If this means that MoI is not right for you, then I totally understand - this focused aspect of MoI is not necessarily the right kind of focus for every single person, and it sounds like you would really be happier with some other software that has a different set of priorities than MoI's.

It's kind of a matter of using "the right tool for the job". It sounds like MoI just is not the right tool for you, if there are other tools out there that have priorities more like what you expect, then stop using MoI and use those other tools instead and that should work better for you. Don't get me wrong - I am not offended by this in any way, I certainly know that the choices that I have made with MoI are not going to be perfect for every single individual, and that's ok and actually fully expected.

- Michael