Hi Kevin,
Probably the easiest way currently to make a plane with a particular number of points is to draw 2 curves at right angles to one another, and then use Extrude with the "set path" option, see here for an example:
The result of Extrude with "set path" will create a surface that has control points that are an exact combination of those 2 input curves. So if you draw the original curves with as many points as you want in that one direction that should do the job.
The circular/radial type equivalent of that is to use Rail revolve - it is similar in the respect that the number of control points in the resulting rail revolve surface will be a direct combination of the 2 input curves. The main difference between it and extrude is that there is a revolve axis specified for rail revolve and the surface is kind of pivoted around that axis.
In the future when there is a "rebuild" command it will probably be the main one to use for this task of reconstructing a plane with a specified number of points to deform, but I don't have that yet.
- Michael