New Dec-1 beta available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
234.9 In reply to 234.8 
Very cool Pilou! Merci beaucoup!

> In commands
> seems commands not change ?

The UI inside of commands didn't change, but I forgot to mention that 2 script files in the commands did change, so you may want to update these 2 files in your French .zip : arctangent.js, circletangent.js

This change was an update to arc and circle tangent so it could function better in the 3D view - now it will track points on the plane of the 2 curves that are picked instead of always tracking on the view's construction plane. So for instance getting the tangent circle off of any two edges of a cube in the 3D view is now easier, before it was hard to do that with circle tangent or arc tangent.

- Michael