will htere be layers in MIO?

 From:  Michael Gibson
2339.7 In reply to 2339.6 
Hi okapi, mostly I wanted to take some time to do a grouping/layers method in a good way the first time they are implemented, rather than just kind of doing something with the same kinds of limitations that a kind of "standard" system has in it.

Traditional layers can tend to be rather clumsy in several aspects, and it will just pay off more in the long run to do this area pretty carefully rather than rush through it.

It wasn't a focus for v1 since layers do not really do any good for simple objects.

It has worked out better to try and focus on making things work really well for simple objects first, before chewing on stuff for complex objects.

Being able to handle simple things easily and quickly is a very foundational thing and it is a hard area to try and come back later and fix up.

By the time we get to MoI v4 or v5 I think it will be more apparent how this kind of careful route of UI development will pay off, with a more cohesive final result at that point. I understand that it is hard to appreciate it here more in the earlier stages though! :)

- Michael