Dear Programers,
i find the develoment of MI very nice and fast and like it a lot beside one very important point.
i truly miss layers. best hierarchical layers like rhino or other software have.
i am architect and the complextity of projects i do is only manageable via layers. not only to export and import, but to be able to work on projects. as long this is not in MOI i cant really do much in this nice software.
so i really hope there are layers planned for MOI? i read some where disturbing things when i searched the forum. i hope i read wrong. layers are essential for many people. the hierarchical layers like in rhino are one of the best scene managment systems.
for export it would be cool to have option how to export, like this was in formz in old times. so you could group to layers, or syles or colors to be able to have a perfect export structure depending for what the modell is needed afterwards.
but for modelling itself in MOI i cannot imaghine doing that without a layer system.
best greeting