small house

 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2276.4 In reply to 2276.3 
What happens to the simple runoff from your roofs downpipes!

So simple to get it reabsorbed into the soil of your house block instead of washing away to the sea in drains!

People go mad at the authorities for no longer being able to drill bores to access water from aquifers---but wont do anything positive to replesh those same aquifers.

What year round air-conditioning do you need if your house rooms are at the perimeter of an internal water tank?

So much that is put "on hold"
(Here, in the driest city in the driest State of the driest continent in the world!)

(Where ALL our electricity could be generated from hot rocks--no oil/coal/or whatever needed!)

Hawaiii?---hey! Burrman!

